Keep your Teeth Safe this Summer

01 Jul Keep your Teeth Safe this Summer


Keep your Teeth Safe this Summer.

The days are longer and the activities are endless in the summertime. This may interfere with your normal dental hygiene or sports injuries can do a lot of long term damage. So if you’re going to run onto the field or get involved in rigorous activities, we want to make sure you remember to keep your teeth safe and healthy this busy season.

Whatever contact sport you are playing, make sure you remember to use a mouth guard. If you have a child who loves sports, constantly remind them to use their mouth guard to protect their smile. Athleticism is key to a healthy life, but making sure you are protected is what many people forget is vital as well. A hit to your mouth from a baseball or someone’s elbow will not only cause pain but need long term care

You will need to hydrate and give yourself more energy during sports, but many sports drinks have high levels of sugar and citric acid that can wear and tear away at your white teeth. These drinks can erode the teeth and weaken your tooth enamel. There is an easy answer to this issue: drink water instead. It is the best drink for you as you stay active and the drink you should have as you exercise.


Remember to floss! This should always be a daily ritual, but when your outside and being active you may resort to sugar from energy bars and other snacks you consume. You may feel like you can be more active with the bars but unless you floss, you are doing more long term damage to your teeth when the energy bars are only temporary. The sacrifice is not worth the cost.

girlYour endodontist can help you with any damage done to your teeth this summer, but so many dental issues are avoidable with the proper care. Have fun this summer, but also remember these little tips that can help you in a big way. If you do need a Beverly Hills Emergency Dentist, contact or call us, BH Endodontics for same day appointments.

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